Locals helping locals

The Friends of Knox is a group of passionate local residents who are keen to improve our local area. We focus on issues of infrastructure, living conditions, public services and fighting for better representatives on council and at all levels of government.

We represent local businesses and resident who love living in the Knox area, but want to improve things. We love our local businesses, we raise our families here, we support local community groups and we are an influential voice for common sense change in our local community.

Jobs-led COVID recovery

The only way out of the COVID-19 crisis is to support local jobs and businesses.

Supporting local business

Local business is the backbone of our community - Knox Council needs to do everything it can to support our job creators.

Supporting community groups

Community groups enrich our sporting, cultural and civil life. We actively support local community groups.

Mortgage Stress

There are so many people in our local area that are affected by Mortgage stress and job losses. We advocate for common sense actions to improve our local economy.

Local Services

Local services need to be universally accessible, affordable, and meet the needs of our most disadvantaged ratepayers.

Local Infrastructure

Local infrastructure is good for business, community groups and local jobs. We support projects which meet the needs of Knox ratepayers.

What we've done

Friends of Knox is very proud to have a long track record of running projects and advocating for improvements in our local area. We all love living in the Knox and want to make it a better place.

Below is a short list of some active campaigns.

Buy Local Knox

Our campaign for people to buy products from local businesses in the Knox area

Better Political Leadership

Our political leadership in Knox has been abysmal for many years. Recent events have shown how morally bankrupt our leaders are.

Community Garden

Establishment of a community garden at local church grounds

Improve Lake Knox

Lake Knox has been ignored by local government for years. Polluted and unmaintained, this 'lake' needs to be saved and improved.

Better Playgrounds

Knox council has amazing parkland, but our council leadership is leaving the playgrounds in a terrible state. Time to improve

Tram to Knox City

The transport system around the Knox region is terrible.
Knox city needs a tram line.

Improvement in our community is only possible with sensible, common sense people standing up to make a difference.

If there is a topic or issue that you are passionate about, get in touch and let us know. Adding more voices to our group allow us to reach out further and have more influence.